Investing Profile
Yagnesh Sanghrajka(267)
Your Intro Paths to Yagnesh Sanghrajka
Yagnesh Sanghrajka's investing connections
Connected to Elizabeth Yin (Hustle Fund), Sergio Marrero.
Find Yagnesh Sanghrajka on
cbCurrent Investing Position
100X.VC Investor
Investment Range
$150K - $150K
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Current Fund Size
Yagnesh Sanghrajka is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Diverse InvestorsInvestors who invested in female foundersInvestors who invested in diverse foundersAngel, Scout, and Solo-CapitalistsConstructionTech (Pre-seed)Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) (Pre-seed)IoT (Pre-seed)Health IT (Pre-seed)DeepTech (Pre-seed)AI (Pre-seed)E-commerce (Pre-seed)Enterprise (Pre-seed)SaaS (Pre-seed)FinTech (Pre-seed)
Yagnesh Sanghrajka's Investments On Record (2)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Spare8 | Pre SeedJul 2022$800K | $800K |
KloudMate | Pre SeedMay 2022 | |
Investors who invest with Yagnesh Sanghrajka
Scouts & Angels Affiliated With Yagnesh Sanghrajka