Investing Profile
Farnaz Victoria Mehran(657)
Your Intro Paths to Farnaz Victoria Mehran
Farnaz Victoria Mehran's investing connections
Connected to Sundeep Ahuja (Climate Capital), Todd Kimmel (Montage Ventures), Michael Carney (Evoke Advisors), and 5 other investors on Signal.
Networks Farnaz Victoria is a member of
Imperial College London Network
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Expert Dojo Venture Partner
Investment Range
$25K - $1M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Farnaz Victoria Mehran is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Farnaz Victoria Mehran's Investments On Record (46)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Lifechart | SeedOct 2024$500K Pre SeedMay 2022$200K | $700K |
MoneyPlanned | SeedSep 2022$310K Pre SeedDec 2021$160K | $470K |
UCard | Pre SeedMay 2022$25K | $25K |
Delic | Pre SeedApr 2022$50K | $50K |
Butterpaper | Pre SeedApr 2022$50K | $50K |
Mogi I/O | SeedApr 2022$50K | $50K | | Pre SeedApr 2022$25K | $25K |
Arrow AI | SeedApr 2022$940K | $940K |
Farnaz Victoria Mehran's Education
Imperial College London Master of Science Finance
Investors who invest with Farnaz Victoria Mehran
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