Investing Profile

Topher Conway

Co-Managing Partner at SV Angel Francisco, California
Photo of Topher Conway, Managing Partner at SV Angel

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SV Angel Managing Partner
$25K - $100K
CompanyStageDateRound SizeTotal Raised
Method Financial
Series AJan 2023$16M
Co-investors: Anish Acharya (Andreessen Horowitz), Alex Davidov (Abstract Ventures), Aaron Webster (Cameron Ventures), Venky Karnam (Shift Left Ventures), Phil Bronner (Ardent Venture Partners), Haroon Mokhtarzada
Pre SeedJan 2021$2M
Co-investors: Ben Gorman (F Prime Capital), Ed Roman (Hack VC), Wesley Barrow (Correlation Ventures), Michael Cardamone (Forum Ventures), Gyan Kapur (Surface Ventures), Ben Braverman (Saga)
SeedDec 2020$4M
Co-investors: Joe Montana (Liquid 2 Ventures), Viviana Faga (Felicis Ventures), Jake Storm (Felicis Ventures), Eynat Guez (NFX), Ronald Conway Sr. (SV Angel), Ron Conway (SV Angel), Eyal Rabinovich (Eight Roads Ventures), Ronny Conway (A Capital), Michael Shaulov (Cyberstarts VC), Yair Amit (Cyberstarts VC), Matt Wyndowe (Graph Ventures), Ryan Carlson, Frederic Kerrest, Ronny Conway, Michael Ma, Immad Akhund, Abrahami Avishai
SeedNov 2020$3M
Co-investors: Adam Demuyakor (Wilshire Lane Capital), Todd Jackson (First Round Capital), Jason Calacanis (LAUNCH), David Sacks (Craft Ventures), Peter Bell
SeedSep 2020$9M
Seed RoundSep 2020$8.7M
Co-investors: Niko Bonatsos (General Catalyst), Darian Shirazi (Gradient Ventures), Frank Rotman (QED Investors), Ophelia Brown (Blossom Capital), Jared Hecht (Magellan (, Vítor Lourenco (Expa), Garrett Camp (Expa), Ashton Kutcher (Sound Ventures), Andrew Dudum (Cherubic Ventures), Phil Bronner (Ardent Venture Partners), Scott Belsky, Gokul Rajaram, Adrian Aoun, Eddie Hartman, Steve Chen, Aaron Levie, Jenna Hannon, Kevin Lin, Dylan Field, Eric Wu, Elad Gil, Vivek Patel
SeedJun 2020$2M
Seed RoundJun 2020$2.3M
Co-investors: Darian Shirazi (Gradient Ventures), Chris Farmer (SignalFire), Jackson Moses (Afore Capital), Anton Simunovic (Alumni Ventures ), Matt Scott (Alumni Ventures ), Alex Roetter (Moxxie Ventures), Andrea Funsten (Basecamp Fund), Lucy Guo (Backend Capital), Elizabeth Weil (Scribble Ventures), Niv Dror (Shrug Capital), Ryan Hoover (Weekend Fund), Ashley Flucas (Flucas Ventures), Bradley Tusk (Tusk Venture Partners), Ashton Kutcher (Sound Ventures), Adam Bain (01 Advisors), Katie Stanton (Moxxie Ventures), Jordan Nof (Tusk Venture Partners), Andreas Klinger (Prototype Capital), Rudra Peram, Alper Kiresepi, Howard Charney, Zach Segal, Kevin Weil, Moshe Lifschitz, Peter Hunn, Yagiz Sozmen, Tyler Willis
GreenPark Sports
SeedOct 2019$9M
Co-investors: Michael Spirito (Sapphire Ventures), Chris Farmer (SignalFire), Sam Englebardt (Galaxy Digital), Aneel Ranadive (Soma Capital), Cyan Banister (Long Journey Ventures), Aaron Wolko (Sweater Ventures), Kevin Colas, Steve Chen, Shane Neman
SeedOct 2019$8M
Co-investors: Joe Montana (Liquid 2 Ventures), Chad Byers (Susa Ventures), Patricia Nakache (Trinity Ventures), Ryan Petersen (Founders Fund), Bill Trenchard (First Round Capital), Robin Godenrath (Picus Capital), Brad Flora (Y Combinator), Tim Brady (Y Combinator), Eric Migicovsky (Y Combinator), Ross Fubini (XYZ Venture Capital), Michael Ma, Immad Akhund
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