Investing Profile

Tony DeMartino

Founding Partner at Pallas Advisors
Photo of Tony DeMartino, Partner at Pallas Ventures
$10K - $5.0M
OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense2016 - 2018
Managing Director SBD2014 - 2017
Principal adviser to the Director, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Defense Intelligence Agency2012 - 2014
National War College Fellow Center for New American Security2011 - 2012
Commander's Strategic Advisor, International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), Afghanistan NATO2010 - 2011
Special Branch Chief to the National Security Council, Joint Staff, Afghanistan-Pakistan Joint Staff2009 - 2010
Infantry Battalion Commander 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault)2007 - 2009
George Mason University Master's Public Administration
George Mason University Masters of Public Administration
School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMs) Strategic Planner
Washington and Lee University BS