Investing Profile
shlomo ovadiah
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Managing Partner
Investment Range
$400K - $30.0M
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Investments On Record
shlomo ovadiah is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
FinTech (Pre-seed)Insurance (Pre-seed)Lodging/Hospitality (Pre-seed)Social Networks (Pre-seed)Manufacturing (Pre-seed)LatAm (Latin America)Web3/Crypto (Series A)Insurance (Series A)Diverse InvestorsHardware (Pre-seed)Investors who invested in diverse foundersFinTech (Series A)Real Estate/PropTech (Series A)Hardware (Series A)Web3/Blockchain (Series A)Pharmaceuticals (Series A)Social Networks (Series A)Lodging/Hospitality (Series A)Web3/Blockchain (Pre-seed)Real Estate/PropTech (Pre-seed)Manufacturing (Series A)Pharmaceuticals (Pre-seed)Investors who invested in female foundersInvestors who were foundersWeb3/Crypto (Pre-seed)Canada
shlomo ovadiah's Investments On Record (1)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
_______________________________________________________________ | seedJun 2022$300K | $300K |
shlomo ovadiah's Media (4)
most interested in
Revised 500-character definition: Wadiah Ventures Inc. and Wadiah Capital embody the philosophy "We look for shovels, not mine searchers," focusing on infrastructure and enabling technologies across 22 countries. Managing 80+ companies, they invest in fundamental tools and systems that power industries - from mining infrastructure in Argentina to blockchain technology platforms and luxury asset management systems. Their strategy prioritizes operational excellence and infrastructure developmentnot interested in
400-character definition of what Wadiah Ventures Inc. and Wadiah Capital explicitly avoid: Wadiah Ventures Inc. and Wadiah Capital maintain strict exclusion criteria: no engagement with drama-prone ventures, reputational hazards, or toxic partnerships. We avoid investments lacking scalability or significant volume potential. The group abstains from limited-scope projects and speculative ventures without clear infrastructure value. Our philosophy rejects emotionally-driven decisions, focusing inshlomo ovadiah's Experience
managing partner wadiah Capital & Wadiah VenturesPresent
shlomo ovadiah's Education
University of Leicester phd economics