Investing Profile
Sanjeev Aggarwal
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Fundamentum Managing Director
Investment Range
$25.0M - $40.0M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Current Fund Size
Sanjeev Aggarwal is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Sanjeev Aggarwal's Investments On Record (8)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
ProcMart | Series BMar 2024$3M | $3M |
FarEye | Series EMay 2021$100M Series DAug 2020$13M | $110M |
TravelTriangle | Series CApr 2018$12M | $25M |
Axtria | Series CJul 2015$30M | $180M |
Denty's | Series AMay 2014$5M | $5M |
ShopClues | Series CMay 2014$15M Series BMar 2013$10M | $25M |
Eye-Q | Series BOct 2011 | | | Series BDec 2006$13M | $38M |
Sanjeev Aggarwal's Media (1)
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