Investing Profile
Rodi Guidero
Executive Director, Breakthrough Energy & Managing Partner, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Washington
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Current Investing Position
Breakthrough Energy Ventures Managing Partner
Investment Range
$500K - $50.0M
Sweet Spot
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Rodi Guidero's Experience
Executive Director, Breakthrough Energy Breakthrough Energy2022 - Present
Board Member Kymeta Corporation2017 - Present
Managing Partner, Breakthrough Energy Ventures Breakthrough Energy2016 - Present
Managing Director, Strategic Investments Gates Ventures2016 - Present
Principal-Directed Investments BMGI2010 - 2016
Venture Capital Independent Consultant2010 - 2010
General Counsel ComVentures2006 - 2009
General Counsel VantagePoint Venture Partners2000 - 2006
Associate General Counsel E*TRADE Financial1999 - 2000
Associate Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison1996 - 1999
Rodi Guidero's Education
South Whidbey High School
Stanford University Law School J.D.
University of Washington B.A. English