Investing Profile
Mikhail Lobanov
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Target Global General Partner
Investment Range
$100K - $5.0M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Mikhail Lobanov is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Mikhail Lobanov's Investments On Record (18)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Hedgehog Protocol | Pre SeedMar 2024$2M | $2M |
3Commas | Series BSep 2022$37M | $37M |
XanPool | Series BApr 2022$41M | $68M |
Lapse | SeedSep 2021$1M | $42M |
Rapyd | Series EAug 2021$300M | $750M |
Mercuryo | Series AJun 2021$8M SeedSep 2020$3M | $11M |
Osome | Series AJun 2021$16M SeedNov 2019$4M SeedDec 2018$2M | $50M |
Copper | Series BMay 2021$51M Series AFeb 2020$8M | $180M |
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