Investing Profile
Michael Ryan Dubin
Los Angeles, California
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Investment Range
$5K - $50K
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Michael Ryan Dubin is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Advertising (Series A)Fashion (Seed)Games (Seed)Retail (Seed)Advertising (Seed)Gaming/eSports (Seed)Fashion (Series A)Games (Series A)Consumer Health (Series A)Food and Beverage (Seed)Gaming/eSports (Series A)E-commerce (Series A)Food and Beverage (Series A)Retail (Series A)Cosmetics (Series A)Cosmetics (Seed)Consumer Health (Seed)Los Angeles / Southern CaliforniaE-commerce (Seed)Consumer Internet (Seed)Consumer Internet (Series A)
Michael Ryan Dubin's Investments On Record (7)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
4D Sight | Pre SeedNov 2021 | |
Liquid Death | Series CMay 2021$15M SeedJan 2019$2M | $170M |
Glosslab | SeedMay 2021$4M | $7M |
dot.LA | SeedJan 2020$4M | $4M |
Atoms | Series AAug 2019$8M | $8M |
Neighborhood Goods | SeedFeb 2019$9M Seed RoundMay 2018$5.8M SeedMay 2018$6M | $32M |
PlayVS | Series BNov 2018$31M Series AMay 2018$15M | $110M |
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