Investing Profile
Maria Salamanca(1131)
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Connected to Satya Patel (Homebrew), Aileen Lee (Cowboy Ventures), Jenny Lefcourt (Freestyle Capital), and 39 other investors on Signal.
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Ulu Ventures Partner
Investment Range
$100K - $10.0M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Current Fund Size
Maria Salamanca is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Analytics (Seed)Social Networks (Seed)Data Services (Seed)Education (Seed)Consumer Health (Seed)San Francisco Bay AreaFuture of Work (Seed)Analytics (Pre-seed)Education (Pre-seed)Data Services (Pre-seed)Future of Work (Pre-seed)Social Networks (Pre-seed)Consumer Health (Pre-seed)Health & Hospital Services (Pre-seed)Health & Hospital Services (Seed)
Maria Salamanca's Investments On Record (11)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Maximus | Series AAug 2022$10M SeedMay 2021$5M | $15M |
The Landing | SeedFeb 2021$3M | $3M |
Luminai | SeedOct 2020$3M Pre SeedMar 2020$250K | $19M |
Dispo | SeedOct 2020$4M | $24M |
Prismpop | Pre SeedFeb 2020$450K | $3.5M |
Hairtelligence | Pre SeedJan 2020 | $5M |
BounceTown | Pre SeedOct 2019 | |
Inspirit | Pre SeedJul 2019$300K | $3.3M |
most interested in
marketing, community engagement, business development, entrepreneurship, women's health tech / femtech, collaboration and productivity tools, consumer fintech, community + anything social, future of media and news, future of family and love, future of work & creator economyInvestors who invest with Maria Salamanca
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