Investing Profile
Lucas Schaubel
Your Intro Paths to Lucas Schaubel
Networks Lucas is a member of
San Diego State University Network
Current Investing Position
DN Capital Analyst
Investment Range
$1M - $22.0M
Sweet Spot
Current Fund Size
Lucas Schaubel is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Lucas Schaubel's Experience
Board Observer Edurino | We are hiring!2023 - Present
Board Observer GoStudent2022 - Present
Associate DN Capital2021 - Present
Advisor exporto UG2020 - Present
Intern | Business Development CarOnSale2020 - 2020
Ambassador Talentspace2019 - 2020
Working Student | Corporate VC division CHECK24 Vergleichsportal GmbH2017 - 2020
Intern | Financial Markets & Treasury LBBW2019 - 2019
Intern | Project Management Veridis Environment2017 - 2017
Lucas Schaubel's Education
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management Bachelor of Science - BSc Business Administration with focus on Finance
San Diego State University Semester Abroad
Investors who invest with Lucas Schaubel