Investing Profile
Furqan Rydhan
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Investment Range
$5K - $50K
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Furqan Rydhan is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Furqan Rydhan's Investments On Record (12)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Kontigo | SeedApr 2024$4M Pre SeedOct 2023$100K | $4.1M |
AnyTopic | Pre SeedFeb 2024 | |
Leap AI | SeedJan 2024$1M AngelJan 2023 | $1M |
Orb | Pre SeedSep 2023$2M | $46M |
sync.labs | Pre SeedSep 2023$140K | $6.9M |
OthersideAI | SeedMar 2023$3M | $6M |
Spindl | SeedOct 2022$7M | $7M |
CrowdPad | SeedApr 2022$3M | $3M |
Furqan Rydhan's Experience
Founder thirdweb2020 - Present
Founder Founders, Inc2020 - Present
CTO & Cofounder Bebo2015 - 2019
CTO Monkey Inferno2013 - 2015
CTO AppLovin2010 - 2013
Sr. Software Engineer/R&D ReputationDefender2009 - 2010
Founder LiveRSVP2007 - 2009
Product Manager Cirago International2007 - 2008
Founder Case-Mod.com2002 - 2007
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