Investing Profile
David Becker(115)
Investor at Family Office with background in Automotive
lancasterinvts.comMadison, Wisconsin
Your Intro Paths to David Becker
David Becker's investing connections
Connected to Fred Wilson (Union Square Ventures), Michael Cardamone (Forum Ventures).
David Becker is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Real Estate/PropTech (Seed)TransportationTech (Seed)Logistics (Seed)MidwestAutoTech (Seed)Cybersecurity (Seed)TransportationTech (Pre-seed)AutoTech (Pre-seed)Logistics (Pre-seed)Real Estate/PropTech (Pre-seed)Cybersecurity (Pre-seed)Marketplaces (Pre-seed)SaaS (Pre-seed)FinTech (Pre-seed)FinTech (Seed)Marketplaces (Seed)SaaS (Seed)
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