Investing Profile
Darran Garnham
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Investments On Record
Darran Garnham's Investments On Record (1)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Calm | SeedFeb 2013$470K | $220M |
Darran Garnham's Experience
Founder Pocket.Money2017 - Present
Partner Gone Crabbing Group Ltd2016 - Present
Chief Executive Officer MTW TOYS S.A.2016 - Present
VP EMEA International Consumer Products Universal Pictures2015 - 2016
Chief Commercial Officer & President Of Entertainment Mind Candy2009 - 2015
SVP Sales & Marketing Kidz Entertainment2007 - 2011
Director of International Sales 4Kids Entertainment2000 - 2007
Darran Garnham's Education
University of Roehampton Bachelor of Science - BS Sports Science
University of Surrey Sport Science International Business
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