Investing Profile
Christian Telles(220)
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Connected to William Quist (Slow Ventures), Josh Breinlinger (Turtle Ventures), David Mort (Propel Venture Partners), and 16 other investors on Signal.
Networks Christian is a member of
Stanford University Network
Babson College Network
Babson College Network
University of Florida Network
General Assembly Network
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cbChristian Telles is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Analytics (Seed)Cloud Infrastructure (Seed)AI (Seed)E-commerce (Seed)New York CitySan Francisco Bay AreaEnterprise Applications (Seed)Analytics (Pre-seed)Cloud Infrastructure (Pre-seed)Enterprise Applications (Pre-seed)AI (Pre-seed)Health & Hospital Services (Pre-seed)E-commerce (Pre-seed)SaaS (Pre-seed)FinTech (Pre-seed)FinTech (Seed)Health & Hospital Services (Seed)SaaS (Seed)
Christian Telles's Experience
Android Developer RithmioPresent
GMT + Startup COO Anheuser-Busch InBevPresent
Managing Partner Expanding Capital2017 - Present
Managing Partner, Consultant, and Helper Expanding Capital2017 - Present
Co-Founder and CEO Altuna LLC2016 - Present
GMT Trainee Ambev2016 - 2016
COO Zé Delivery2016 - 2016
Operations Manager ZX Ventures2016 - 2016
Analyst 3G Capital2015 - 2015
Co-Founder Job Sight2013 - 2015
Co-Founder Dragon Lotus2012 - 2015
Software Engineering Intern Rithmio2014 - 2014
VP of IT Beaver Wrap2012 - 2012
Christian Telles's Education
Babson College Bachelor's Technology, Entrepreneurship, & Design
General Assembly Certificate Data Science
Babson College Bachelor of Science (BS) Business Administration, focusing in Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Design
Escola Graduada de São Paulo IB Certificate, Brazilian Diploma, American Diploma
Stanford University Certificate of Study C++, Algorithms, and Game Development Engines
University of Florida Certificate of Study Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies
University of California, Santa Cruz Certificate of Study Nuclear Physics
Roger Williams University Certificate of Study Programming in C++
Investors who invest with Christian Telles