Investing Profile
Brittany Barreto
Your Intro Paths to Brittany Barreto
Brittany Barreto's investing connections
Connected to Frederik Groce (Storm Ventures), Joshua Baer (Capital Factory).
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Coyote Ventures General Partner
Investment Range
$100K - $500K
Sweet Spot
Brittany Barreto is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Media/Content (Seed)Consumer Health (Series A)Media/Content (Series A)Consumer Health (Seed)Health IT (Series A)Health & Hospital Services (Series A)Raleigh-Durham / Southeast USMedia/Content (Pre-seed)Health IT (Pre-seed)Consumer Health (Pre-seed)Health & Hospital Services (Pre-seed)Health IT (Seed)Health & Hospital Services (Seed)
Brittany Barreto's Experience
FemTech Advisor Goddess Gaia Ventures2021 - Present
Co-Founder, Executive Director, Podcast Host FemTech Focus2020 - Present
Co-Founder, Instructor Founder's Compass2020 - 2020
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