Investing Profile
Bernd Goergen
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cbCurrent Investing Position
High-Tech Gründerfonds Partner
Investment Range
$100K - $5.0M
Sweet Spot
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Bernd Goergen's Experience
Board member PEPperPRINT GmbH2013 - Present
Board member (Observer) Humedics GmbH2011 - Present
Partner High-Tech Gründerfonds2008 - Present
Board member (Observer) Fiagon2011 - 2020
Associate Director Equities and M&A DZ BANK AG2003 - 2007
Investment Banking, Specialist Company Valuations DZ BANK AG2000 - 2003
International Marketing Manager Hepatitis Chiron Diagnostics (acq. by BAYER Diagnostics in 1998)1998 - 2000
Leader of the Market Development Team Central Europe Chiron Diagnostics1996 - 1997
Product Manager Virology and Automation for Central- and Eastern Europe Murex Diagnostika GmbH1994 - 1996
Postdoctoral Research Scientist Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz; 1. Med. Clinic1992 - 1994
Bernd Goergen's Education
DVFA (German Association for Financial Analysis and Asset Management) Certified Biotech Analyst (CBA) Biotech Equity Analyst Training
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Promotion (Ph.D.) Virology, Immunology, Human Genetics
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Master Biology
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