Investing Profile
Audrey MacLean
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Broadway Angels Angel
Investments On Record
Audrey MacLean is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Audrey MacLean's Investments On Record (6)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Silicon Valley Data Science | Series AAug 2013$3M | $6.1M |
hopscout | SeedSep 2010$1M Seed RoundSep 2010$1.3M | $2.3M |
CaseCentral | Series BAug 2000$11M | $11M | | Series AApr 2000$15M | $15M |
Applied Discovery | Series UnknownApr 2000$2M Venture RoundApr 2000$2M | $4M |
WetFeet | Venture RoundJan 2000$9M Series UnknownJan 2000$9M | $18M |
Audrey MacLean's Experience
Consulting Associate Professor Stanford Univ. Sch.of Engr.1995 - Present
Co-Founder ADAPTIVE1988 - 1994
Co-Founder N.E.T. Network Equipment Technologies, Inc. (N.E.T., - 1988
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